Assessing Psychology Practicum Competencies

Welcome to Placement Review – the online platform for practicum competency assessment tools in postgraduate psychology training.

Our competency assessment tools:



How it works:

Psychology Trainees - Register an account to:

- Add and edit placement details
- Assign a placement to your supervisor
- Complete trainee self-assessment tasks (Clinical Psychology trainees only)
- View results of Mid and End Placement Supervisor Reports

Supervisors - Register an account to:

- View your active supervised placements and trainees
- Assess trainees at Mid and/or End Placement
- View results of trainee self-assessments (Clinical Psychology trainees only)

Funding for an initial version of this project was provided by the 2010 Australian Learning and Teaching Council Research Grant and the 2014 Office of Learning & Teaching, Innovation and Development Research Grant. This platform is developed and funded by a consortium of subscribing universities and education institutions offering postgraduate Clinical Psychology and Professional Psychology programs in Australia and New Zealand.

Subscribing institutions include Australian College of Applied Psychology, Australian Catholic University, Australian National University, Bond University, Charles Darwin University, Griffith University, La Trobe University, Macquarie University, University of Canterbury (New Zealand), University of New England, University of New South Wales, University of Newcastle, University of Notre Dame Australia, University of Otago, University of Technology (Sydney), University of Wollongong, Western Sydney University:

Subscribing institutions: