VMAT-CΨPRS (Clinical Psychology Programs)
This is a combination of two empirically-based Clinical Psychology trainee competency ratings scales, namely the Clinical Psychology Placement Rating Scale (CΨPRS) and the Vignette Matching Assessment Tool (VMAT).
These rating scales have been developed by a group of researchers and educators from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The work initially received funding from the 2010 Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Research Grant and the 2014 Office of Learning & Teaching, Innovation and Development Research Grant. The work from the group has been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at multiple national and international conferences.The CΨPRS uses a visual analogue scale for supervisors to chart trainee progress across 12 domains:
1. Diagnosis and Clinical Assessment*
2. Case Conceptualisation and Interventions*
3. Individual and Cultural Diversity
4. Effective and Skilful Assessment and Intervention*
5. Psychological Testing*
6. Relational and Communication
7. Reflective Practitioner
8. Scientist Practitioner
9. Ethical Practice
10. Professionalism: Organisation and Disciplined Practice
11. Professionalism: Attitudes and Values
12. Interprofessional Learning and Practice*
* Optional domains
The VMAT takes an alternative approach by presenting standardised vignettes of trainee competencies that are expected at various training stages across the above domains. Supervisors rate their trainee performance against these vignettes. Given the complexity of the VMAT, this is only available as a digital assessment tool on this platform.
The Placement Review platform offers supervisors from subscribing institutions both Mid and End Placement Review modules. It also includes optional Trainee Self-Evaluation modules, which can be completed by trainees at Mid and/or End Placement Review periods.
For more information around the VMAT-CΨPRS or institution subscriptions, please contact admin@placementreview.net