University Placement Allocation Committee (UPAC)
Purpose: UPAC is a collaboration between the three major South Australian universities (University of Adelaide, University of South Australia, Flinders University) and field supervisors. It has been operating since the early 2000s.
Objectives: The staff from The University of Adelaide, Flinders University and University of South Australia work together to find the best outcomes for our students and future colleagues. The objective of UPAC is to facilitate the placement process for supervisors and university staff alike, so that high quality supervisory arrangements can be organized efficiently, fairly and reliably.
Membership: The committee comprises one representative from each of the three participating universities and a minimum of two board- approved supervisors from the field. The university members are typically appointed by the bodies or institutions that they represent.
Requests from students from interstate universities:
UPAC does not allocate placements for students from interstate universities. However, enquires may be discussed at each of the allocation meetings (typically May and November). Following allocation of placements to South Australian universities affiliated with UPAC, field supervisors who are not allocated a placement will be contacted to check if they consent to their details being passed on to students from interstate.
Current academic members of UPAC are:
Dr Steph Webb Email:
Current Chair of UPAC and University of South Australia academic representative
Professor Anna Chur-Hansen Email:
University of Adelaide academic representative for Health Psychology
Associate Professor Jessica Paterson Email:
Flinders University academic representative for Clinical Psychology
Dr John Baranoff Email:
University of Adelaide academic representative for Clinical Psychology
Current External Members (Field Supervisors)
Sarah Luscombe
Susan Num
Clinical Professor Anne Buke
Kathryn Collins
Michelle Tonkin-Smith
Mark Lehman